Cries out the Bug

Hasib Iftekhar
May 17, 2021

I strode for an elevation

’tis not out of curiosity but suffocation.

I was compliant, for such a while within

But now I’ve rebelled, brought myself up to the task.

To see, be sure how humans go. Would there be the reaction slightest?

Don’t be miser cognitively or just intellectually viable

’tis not enough. And

Stop the narcissistic & bulky thumping you loud bunch!

Find the prophet, any prophet, and get off your ignorant highs.

Just see me and recognize. I’m the sight of agony, warning havoc.



Hasib Iftekhar

Two sets of freelance fidgety fingers, labour to produce meaningful reads. City person, coffee lover and I tend to talk ‘Values’ or the lack of it around.